Join the association

The adventure of Ornavik

In joining the association Les Vikings an 911, you:

  • Support a federative project in the developpment of the knowledge of the fabulous history of Normandy's birth.
  • Bring a sustainable support to Ornavik's developpment
  • Participate in a unifying dynamic of general interest : volunteers, scientists, civil service volunteers, youngsters in insertion, partner companies and collectivites.
  • Share and broadcasting the values of solidarity, ecology and opening to others.
  • Contribute to the transmission of the knowledge and skills, in a spirit of sustainable developpment.

You also:

  • Keep the contact with our news : you automatically recieve our newsletter and follow the evolution of the projet.
  • Get invited in the assemblies and taking part in the important decisions with your right of vote.
  • Be part of the special guests to participate in the great cultural manifestations of Ornavik.
  • Recieve particular attention, such as discounts with our numerous partner companies.

You decided to do it ? Please note the following information

  • Your membership goes from january 1st to december 31st of the current year.
  • Every membership taken out during the last trimester of the year will be valid for the following year.
  • The fee does not offer you tax cuts

Domaine de Beauregard
14200 Hérouville-Saint-Clair
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02 31 52 40 90