Ornavik's plan

The historical park

Move your mouse over the map to interact with the different structures in the park and discover what they contain.

Plan interactif d'Ornavik
la cabane du pêcheur

The fisherman's Hut

The fisherman's hut: This small hut next to the water is made out of a wooden structure and a reed roof. There, you discover the instruments and technics of fishing and shipping.
Comptoir Viking

The Viking Camp

The viking camp : this small village is extremely interactive and playful. It presents you many aspects of traditionnal jobs and viking culture.

The Church

The Carolingian Church: The Ornavik's church will be rebuilt according to the archaeologic finds in Mondeville.
It will be a very simple building ; typical of the churches from IXth and Xth Centuries
Espace 21e siècle

XXIst Century Space

The XXIst century space : This modern space hosts the offices, the ticket office and the toilets. It also hosts the XXIst Century Tavern, where you could have a break, drink and buy souvenirs.
Petite ferme

The Small Farm

The Small Farm : The first building on the carolingian space, built in 2013 !
The walls of the farm are made with a wood structure embedded into the ground and covered by cob
Grande ferme

The Great Farm

The largest building of Ornavik. Divided into two parts : one is for the habitation, the other is a barn
La Maison de Säby

The Säby's House

The Säby's House gets its name from the town of Säby, in Sweden, where was discovered the original one. It is build with 3 wooden walls and a cob one.
Hangar à bateaux

The boat shed

The boat shed : currently in construction, the 11m-long boat shed will be next to the water. Its structure is made of many wooden posts, that will be covered of soil to protect the boat.
Four à pain

The bakers' oven

The baker's oven : It is made with a basket-form structure in willow. This structure is covered with cob and set under a roof in thatch.

The Forge

The forge is the first building set in Ornavik, made with a half-buried strcture. It is typical of what we could find in Scandinavia.

Domaine de Beauregard
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